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Writer's pictureChagrin Falls UMC

Reading the Bible Day 119

Hi friends! Today we continue on the second book of Isaiah with more messages from God to Isaiah. But this section ends today with a certain prophetic declarative statement of hope and restoration....wonder what that could be? Guess you'll just have to read to find out!

By the way, If you are looking for a little extra contextual study I have another video from Bible Project that helps explain what you'll be reading better than I could. It's also super super pretty. Check it out!


Scripture to Read

Psalm 119 v. 1 - 32


Audio Bible


Questions to Consider

  1. What does this teach me about God?

  2. What does this teach me about humanity?

  3. What does this teach me about the kingdom of God?

  4. What does "good news" look like to me?

- My Thoughts -

So, this section ends on "rebuild the temple" which is the ultimate rally cry for this dislocated people. Moments after the temple is destroyed God assures them and commands them to not lose hope and keep going, that the temple will be restored. God says to the people that your worst days are not your last days and that hope will always win. However, as we know, the temple that is rebuilt is not the physical temple (well it is, but not the temple) but rather the temple or the kingdom that God is talking about here is revealed through Jesus Christ to be a temple of peace and love of enemy. That's probably the last message that Isaiah's people want to hear at the moment, but maybe God is suggesting that when rage and hate are at their strongest love's cooling waters have their most effect.

Another thing really jumped out to me was when Isaiah was talking in jest about the person who makes an idol out of the wood. Isaiah says something such as "Is this thing in my hand an idol?" Dang that does seem fitting now a days. Smart phone addiction is a growing concern among psychologists and a growing market is devices that claim to help by offering "digital minimalism" . Phones (and more so their supporting apps) are designed to keep you in a mindless scroll going from app to app to app. Facebook, to twitter, to instagram, to news, to messages, to videos, back to facebook, to emails, etc. We're seeing companies offer us "screen time" reports or dimming our screens at night to reduce eye strain. These things in our hands are literally damaging us but we cannot put them down like Isaiah said about that wood carver.

I caught myself being bad with my phone and just scrolling around too much so I bought myself one of these back in May and it's been lifechanging for me. I'm better in conversation, I'm more aware of my surroundings and more intentional about my computer time. Parents, if you are looking for a phone to get your kids that gets them away from the pull of internet based devices...this thing is awesome.



O God in Heaven UMH 119

(words below video)

O God in heave grant to thy children mercy and blessing

songs never ceasing love to unite us grace to redeem us

O God in heaven, dear Lord, Our God

Jesus redeemer may we remember thy gracious passion thy resurrection

Worship we bring thee praise we shall sing thee Jesus redeemer Jesus our Lord

Spirit descending whose is the blessing strength for the weary help for the needy

sealed in our kinship thine be our worship spirit descending spirit adored

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