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Reading the Bible Day 117

Writer: Chagrin Falls UMCChagrin Falls UMC

Today is our final day in the first book of Isaiah. Tomorrow I'll post another overview video in this section from the Bible Project to give a good glimpse of what it is we will be looking at coming up. Isaiah 1 - 39 is a difficult, but a productive difficult section of the Bible. It's the brutal honesty we all need sometimes. It's those tough, but loving conversations we have with family, friends, and sometimes ourselves that helps make us all better. What were your thoughts on Isaiah book 1? What did you struggle with? What did you relate to?


Scripture to Read


Audio Bible

I don't know what happened but I have no audio in the video editing software but I do have audio on the raw file. So, I'm unfortunately unable to upload anything without edits.


Question to Consider

  1. What does this teach me about God?

  2. What does this teach me about humanity?

  3. Is it any different reading this story from 2 Kings from Isaiah's perspective?

- My Thoughts -

What I was most moved by was the end when Hezekiah's life was coming to an end and he turned to the wall to say to God "Remember me for I have been faithful to you" and then he weeps. 2020 has been difficult for our congregation, not just because of the pandemic but because we have lost some truly wonderful saints this last year. Some of them I never had the chance to meet but I've heard stories from Jackie, Joyce, and others. Things such as Wayne Hosmer and how we and his wife were the best of friends, always joined at the shoulder as they sat together in church. Stories about Tom Mattern and how he was Mr. Chagrin and a beloved fan and advocate for the school districts. Gosh, the thousands of children he must have inspired over his career is enough to give chills. I think of Trudy and the kind letters she would send me and the ways she supported the King's Singers youth choir and the light hearted banter I would have with Stan in the courtyard for fellowship hour. These, and others, were surely like Hezekiah and were always faithful and were surely remember and embraced by God as they entered heaven. Thank you for the life you shared with us, and while you may not have another 15 years like Hezekiah did, surely your influence will last here far longer than that.



O God, Our Help in Ages Past UMH 117

O God our help in ages past

our hope for years to come

our shelter from the stormy blast

and our enternal home

Under the shadow of thy throne

still may we dwell secure sufficient is thine

arm alone and our defense is sure

Before the hills in order stood

or earth received her frame

from everlasting thou art God

to endless years the same

A thousand ages in thy sight

are like an evening gone

short as the watch that ends the night

before the rising sun


Making Connections, Changing Lives 

Our building is open weekdays from: 9:30  a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Office hours 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.


Worship:10 a.m.

Children's Worship*: 10:15 a.m.

After Service Fellowship: 11 a.m.

Journey - Adult Sunday School: 11:15 a.m.


​Nursery care is available for children birth - 3 years during Worship

*Children's Worship is for ages 3 years. - 5th grade​


20 S. Franklin St. 

Chagrin Falls, Ohio, 44022

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