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Transforming our Community Through
Outreach Efforts
The church is most alive when it is serving the most vulnerable among us. Below our are current projects or organizations we have partnered with in our collective effort to bring about God’s Kingdom.

Our church is teaming up with Habitat for Humanity to create a community playhouse and we want your input to ensure it has the best curb appeal.
What a fun way for our church community to get involved.
Pick up a coloring sheet at either church entrance. Use your creativity to desigh a color scheme that you think would make the playhouse look great and feel inviting.
Submit your completed sheet by February 24th.
We will showcase all of the submissions during After Worship Fellowship on February 27th and March 2nd. The design with the most votes will be used as a guide to design our playhouse.
The Outreach Team and any volunteers will build the playhouse at the church.
Building schedule will be available at design display.
Consider making this a family project !


Chagrin Falls Park Community Center

The Chagrin Falls Park Community Center (CFPCC) was formed in 1954 to serve the low-income community of Chagrin Falls Park, located on the outskirts of Bainbridge, OH. The CFPCC is often thought of as the heart of the community. It provides a wide variety of supportive services to children, families, and seniors in need, such as after-school tutoring, a food pantry, and case management services.
Our Donation Barrell is located in the Narthex and Lobby entrance.

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